On My Font of English

It was Sherlock Holmes in “His Last Bow” who said that, and I’m paraphrasing here, that two years undercover as the American Pinkterton detective Altamont had left his font of English permanently defiled. I’ve watched too much British television. My own font of English has been permantently defiled. I typed out a sentence, and wroteContinue reading “On My Font of English”

On the Doctor's Greatest Foes

There’s a rumor that in the upcoming season of Doctor Who there may be a story pitting the Doctor’s two greatest foes against one another–the Daleks and the Cybermen. Sure, it’s a fanwanky concept. That’s the appeal. So, if I were writing a Dalek vs. Cybermen story, this is what I’d do…. Set it duringContinue reading “On the Doctor's Greatest Foes”

On a Business Trip

I’m packed. Tomorrow morning I fly from Raleigh to Las Vegas, with a pitstop in Newark, New Jersey. It’s business, not pleasure. The company holds an annual manager’s convention, one year in Orlando, the following year in Vegas. Last year was Orlando in the weeks after the hurricanes, this year is Vegas. Three solid daysContinue reading “On a Business Trip”

On a Strange Story Idea

I would like to thank everyone for their sympathies and well-wishes on yesterday’s events. Yesterday was rough, and I appreciate all your thoughts. Thank you. So, last night, a little bedtime reading. I picked up Elizabeth Kostova’s The Historian, read another twenty-odd pages and put it down. Quite frankly, I’m finding myself both bored andContinue reading “On a Strange Story Idea”

On Microsoft Word

I have a pet-hate for Microsoft Word. I disagree with its grammer checking mode. Take this sentence–“Lights dim.” It’s a perfectly good sentence. Microsoft Word considers this a sentence fragment. Excuse me? What more does it need? I have a subject–“Lights”–that acts on its own–they “dim.” I could have written “Lights go dark” but IContinue reading “On Microsoft Word”