On a Linguistic Profile

I’m not surprised by this: Your Linguistic Profile: 55% General American English 20% Dixie 20% Yankee 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern What Kind of American English Do You Speak? Given the time I’ve spent both above and below the Mason-Dixon line, plus a brief sojourn in Chicago in my younger years, it’s of no surpriseContinue reading “On a Linguistic Profile”

On Interviews

In the past week two college students have e-mailed me and asked if I would be willing to answer e-mail interviews for their course work. Color me surprised and flattered. The first interview was on writing. The second interview was on my job. Interesting stuff. Hope the assignments went well, kids!

On Tartan Day

March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day, when Americans of every stripe celebrate the nation’s Irish heritage. Today, April 6th, is Tartan Day, when Americans of every stripe celebrate the nation’s Scottish heritage. Wait, you haven’t heard of Tartan Day? Truth to tell, neither had I, until last year when buying Guinness for St. Patrick’s DayContinue reading “On Tartan Day”