I read Jean Airey’s The Doctor and the Enterprise recently. 🙂 The Doctor and the Enterprise (tDatE) is frivolous fun. I’d slot it right after “The Deadly Assassin” and before the Doctor picks up Leela, but there’s a reference to K-9, so perhaps it would be best after Leela and before Romana I, so rightContinue reading “On The Doctor and the Enterprise, and FOX”
Tag Archives: Doctor Who
On Whovian Ruminations
Yes, I do have a number of the BBC Doctor Who novels, mostly in the Eighth Doctor range, rather than the Past Doctor range, and there’s a reason for what I own and why. That will take some explaining, though. What follows is entirely my opinion on the subject. I could be off-base, I mightContinue reading “On Whovian Ruminations”
On Doctor Who: Storm Warning II
It’s amazing. I must be the only person to think the Doctor talking to himself in the first episode of Storm Warning works. It’s absolutely obvious to me why he does this. Just as those scenes make it plain why the Doctor has companions with him almost all of the time. Quite simply, he likesContinue reading “On Doctor Who: Storm Warning II”
On Doctor Who: Storm Warning
I got Storm Warning today. What an experience! I’m not sure that it’s the best Big Finish audio yet (the second half is a little weak in comparison to the first two parts), but for reintroducing the world to Paul McGann as the Doctor, this really does fit the bill. I do have a fewContinue reading “On Doctor Who: Storm Warning”