On Unintended Consequences

Over on TPMCafe Larry Johnson writes an article entitled Endangering America which looks at the unintended consequences of Bush’s Middle-East policies. His three main points are these: Instead of reducing terrorism, Islamic terrorism is spreading dramatically. Instead of winning new supporters for democracy, the war in Iraq is spurring the recruitment and training radical jihadists.Continue reading “On Unintended Consequences”

More Political Typology

Shamelessly snurched from my friend Todd: You are a Social Liberal (76% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (28% permissive) You are best described as a: Strong Democrat You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (99, -82) modscore: (17, 46) raw: (2143) Link: The Politics Test onContinue reading “More Political Typology”

On the Real President Bush

I had to share this: Bush is in fact fidgety, cold and snappish in private. He yells at those who dare give him bad news and is therefore not surprisingly surrounded by an echo chamber of terrified sycophants. He is slow to comprehend concepts that don’t emerge from his gut. He is uncomprehending of theContinue reading “On the Real President Bush”

On Evaluating President Bush

It’s hard to look at what’s happening in Louisiana and not think that we’ve seen a massive failure of the federal, state, and local governments in responding to the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. It’s hard to understand how someone like the Secretary of Homeland Security can be so blithely clueless about people stranded inContinue reading “On Evaluating President Bush”

On The American Spectator

A few years ago, completely by accident, I subscribed to The American Spectator. By accident I mean confusion, and I was confused–I thought I was re-upping my subscription to The American Prospect. Spectator is a right-wing magazine, Prospect falls to the left. So, for a year The American Spectator would come through the mailbox, I’dContinue reading “On The American Spectator”

On Katrina and the Gasoline Situation

According to the morning’s newspaper the gas station in the shopping center where I work shuttered its doors yesterday–their pumps had run dry. Also yesterday, Governor Mike Easley called upon all North Carolinians to limit their fuel consumption–the hurricane in Louisiana shut down the gas pipeline through the southeast which leaves North Carolina with theContinue reading “On Katrina and the Gasoline Situation”

On Hurricane Katrina

At the risk of being insensitive… Is it cynical of me to wonder whether the President will visit storm-ravaged New Orleans anytime soon? He’s on his vacation, after all. He famously said that he “need[ed] to get on with his life.” The deaths of hundreds, the devastation of a city, would these prompt him toContinue reading “On Hurricane Katrina”