On the Things that Matter

I’ve been mulling this post since Friday. On Friday the company held a Town Hall meeting in Charlotte to provide the latest updates on the corporate merger. I won’t say much about the meeting–in terms of information provided we received little, yet the important aspect of the meeting, the boost in morale it provided, can’tContinue reading “On the Things that Matter”

On Intelligent Falling

A group of evangelical scientists have proposed a new theory for why things fall to the Earth–not gravity, but “Intelligent Falling.” From the article: Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different theories used by secular physicists to explain gravity are not internally consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that Einstein’s ideas about gravityContinue reading “On Intelligent Falling”

On the Boondocks Letter

My letter to the News & Observer? Still unpublished. After a week I should abandon all hope, I think. Perhaps the Raleigh metropolitan area is as yet unready for my cogent insights. Their loss. For my regular readers here, though, here’s my letter to the News & Observer about a recent Boondocks comic strip: ToContinue reading “On the Boondocks Letter”

On Christopher Walken

Noted actor Christopher Walken has announced his candidacy for President of the United States. The Walken 2008 website has few details on Walken’s positions on the issues of the day, nor does it offer a party affiliation for Mr. Walken. This quote on the front page provides some insight on his views: Our great countryContinue reading “On Christopher Walken”

On Iraq and the No-Win Scenario

There’s not really an argument here, more of a statment—Is Iraq our own Kobayashi Maru? Iraq is fast becoming the Kobayashi Maru for the United States. If we stay, suicide terrorism will continue to rise. If we go, the civil war is practically inevitable. On the surface this Kobayashi Maru framework for Iraq seems toContinue reading “On Iraq and the No-Win Scenario”

On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully

Every day at the store I have customers asking whether or not I have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in stock. Monday I fielded a phone call–the guy wanted to buy ten copies of the XBox version of the game for a quick turnaround on eBay, he said. Unfortunately, since every other retailer on theContinue reading “On Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, and Bully”

More on Writing My Senators

Several weeks ago I wrote to my two senators, Elizabeth Dole and Richard Burr, about the importance of the filibuster in protecting the rights of the minority as, at that time, the question of the legality of filibusters on judicial nominees was in play. The Senate, I wrote them, was in George Washington’s formulation theContinue reading “More on Writing My Senators”

On Writing My Senators

Not that it would achieve anything, but I wrote two letters today, one to each of North Carolina’s Senators, asking them to vote against ending unlimited debate and filibuster on judicial nominees, something Republican Trent Lott dubbed “the nuclear option.” Liddy Dole and Richard Burr are, I know, firm votes in favor of scrapping twoContinue reading “On Writing My Senators”

On Political Typology

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press have posted on their website a political typology test. The survey breaks the American polis into nine groups: Enterprisers Social Conservatives Pro-Government Conservatives Upbeats Disaffecteds Conservative Democrats Disadvantaged Democrats Liberals Bystanders Where do I stand? Liberal Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you mostContinue reading “On Political Typology”