On “Journey’s End” and My Daft Theories

So, now I’ve seen it. Doctor Who. “Journey’s End.” Last week I posted some theories. “The Stolen Earth,” the fourth season’s penultimate episode, posed a number of questions, and suggested certain possibilities, and I offered my thoughts on what everything meant, and where “Journey’s End” would likely go. Much to my surprise, Jamie McCrimmon didContinue reading “On “Journey’s End” and My Daft Theories”

On Why I Hate Fox Sports

Earth to Fox Sports: Does anyone really want to spend their afternoons watching a Yankees/Red Sox game? Especially when neither team is in first place in their division? Especially when one of those teams is pretty fucking woeful? I’d much rather watch the Cubs/Cardinals game. Not just because it’s the Cubs, but because there areContinue reading “On Why I Hate Fox Sports”

On Things I’ve Been Reading

Well, okay, one thing. I’ve gotten behind on my comic book reading. You’d think, those little twenty-odd page pamphlets would be a breeze to just sit down, kick back, and go. Life doesn’t always happen like that, though. However, I did just pick up something, and I read it on the light rail this evening.Continue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”

On Daft Doctor Who Theories

Doctor Who fandom is beside itself, trying to read the tea-leaves, trying to predict “Journey’s End.” And that means theorizing. Oh, it’s a capital mistake to theorize in advance of the evidence, and it’s doubly daft to theorize in defiance of the evidence, but that’s never stopped anyone. Least of all me. Yet, sometimes, evenContinue reading “On Daft Doctor Who Theories”