On Unmade Science-Fiction Films

It’s odd. I’ve just read a book that I generally enjoyed, but it was a book that annoyed me to no end. The book? David Hughes’ The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made. Getting a movie from pitch and script to screen is a bit like running a gauntlet, and the book chronicles some twenty-odd science-fictionContinue reading “On Unmade Science-Fiction Films”

On the Beatles Remasters and Compilations

Long rumored, it appears that the Beatles back catalogue is finally being released in a remastered form. The next issue of MOJO says sometime in 2009. I’ve long been a proponent of a remastered Beatles catalog. The original albums — from Please Please Me to Let It Be — on CD were done in 1987,Continue reading “On the Beatles Remasters and Compilations”

On John McCain’s “Mansion”

Watching McCain’s speech last night, I kept wondering — why is there a mansion on the jumbotron behind him? It wasn’t the White House. Was it supposed to be one of McCain’s eight houses? But it surely couldn’t be in Phoenix — the surrounding landscape looked too verdant and lush. Turns out that, no, it’sContinue reading “On John McCain’s “Mansion””

On Rudy Guiliani’s Speech to the RNC

Said I, to a friend of mine, just now: “God, Rudy sounds like a limp dick.” Now, to watch Sarah Palin. Is there a drinking game for Palin’s speech? Anyone know? ETA: A late update. Rudy Guiliani obviously did not receive the Republican talking points for his speech. He used the word “torture” when describingContinue reading “On Rudy Guiliani’s Speech to the RNC”

On John McCain and His Lack of Judgment

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has had a lousy seventy-two hours. That’s the only real conclusion that one can draw as news reports about the Republican Vice Presidential pick filter in. She was affiliated with and was a member of a secessionist political party, the Alaska Independence Party. She’s hired a lawyer in advance of herContinue reading “On John McCain and His Lack of Judgment”

On a Strange Beatles Experience

And now, for something completely different… I’ve made a bizarre musical discovery. As long-time Allynologists know, I love The Beatles. As soon as I have a frame for my poster of A Hard Day’s Night, that’s going up in the stairwell. I have over sixty hours of Beatles music on my hard drive. (To putContinue reading “On a Strange Beatles Experience”