Coffee Bars

Owen frowned.  Pubs he liked.  Coffee bars he didn’t.  The college kids in turtlenecks, the young professionals on their laptops — he’d lived this life and outgrown it.  He wanted a drink — bourbon or scotch — not a made-up Italian word for a fancy coffee. He heard Tosh through his earpiece.  “You’re on topContinue reading “Coffee Bars”

The Other First Duty

Simon Cooper went through the Academy and rose to be the navigator of the Enterprise-D. Wesley Crusher was on the bridge getting the glory and not even trained for the job. “Simon!” Wesley said, “you won’t believe what happened today!” “I couldn’t guess.” “An spatial anomaly opened in our flightpath, and a space worm emerged! Continue reading “The Other First Duty”

Making Minds Free

“What we did, Doctor? Was it wise?” “We brought down a corrupt religion, Peri. Minds clouded by dogma will now be free. These people now understand they will fail because of their decisions, not because of the fickleness of fate.” Throngs of the once-worshipful tore a statue down from its pedestal. It crashed to theContinue reading “Making Minds Free”

War Correspondence

I can only hope you’ll receive this letter, with the station in Cardassian hands. I thought today, and not for the first time, all this was because of you.  Perhaps I should have been left in limbo.  Perhaps you should have lived out the life you’d made.  None of this happened.  No war.  No casualties. Continue reading “War Correspondence”

The Calculus of Diplomacy

“Negotiations. How I despise them.” Arthur was nonplussed by Uther’s pronouncement. “The delegation from Thule…” “…Has nothing of worth for Camelot. Trade? They want our produce and offer mere trinkets in return. An alliance? Our kingdoms are separated by rough seas, and though we both beset by rivals we have not mutual enemies.” “What ifContinue reading “The Calculus of Diplomacy”

Historical Irony

“I do not understand this noise your friend Zefram enjoys,” said T’Liis.  Something about a “Magic Carpet Ride” emanated from the jukebox. “He calls it ‘music.’” Lily Sloane looked at Cochrane passed out nearby.  “Zef’s music isn’t my style.”  She pushed two buttons and kicked the jukebox in the side. The guitar wailing stopped abruptly,Continue reading “Historical Irony”

Accidental Epiphanies

Much as Merlin liked Gwen, he doubted the wisdom of bringing her along on his pollen gathering duties. “That one!  What do you think?” Merlin sighed.  She’d broken his concentration once again. “What?” “That cloud.”  She pointed upward at a billowing cloud.  “I think it looks like a dragon.” Merlin followed her gaze.  “No, itContinue reading “Accidental Epiphanies”

Robin’s Dream

“Mother, wake up!” Morgan Primus rolled over in bed to face her daughter, Robin Lefler.  “Whatever’s the matter, dear?” “I had a dream…” “Mmm.” “…I was an actress, and I was in a holoproduction, and I was famous, and I was married to Wesley Crusher!” “Mmm.” “Wesley Crusher!  I haven’t thought of him in years! Continue reading “Robin’s Dream”

Crisis In Infinite Camelots

“Who are you all?” the boy with scruffy hair wanted to know. “Why, isn’t it obvious?” said the animated man with the long white beard and the pointed hat. “Not to me,” said the man with the metallic skullcap and the trim beard in his high-pitched voice. The unkempt, unwashed man dyed in woad paintContinue reading “Crisis In Infinite Camelots”