Patrick Stewart is returning to Star Trek. Announced at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention, Stewart will be appearing in a Star Trek series set roughly twenty years after the last Star Trek: The Next Generation film, 2002’s Star Trek: Nemesis, and will explore a new chapter in Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s life. People have spentContinue reading “Patrick Stewart’s Return to Star Trek”
Tag Archives: Star-Trek:-The-Next-Generation
Building a Better Star Trek: Generations
It’s possible I’ve written about this on the blog before. Over the years, I’ve written about a great many things, and there’s some inevitable overlap. Recently on a mailing list discussion turned toward the Star Trek: The Next Gernation films, and I mentioned in passing my opinions of Star Trek: First Contact (I really don’tContinue reading “Building a Better Star Trek: Generations”
Ghosts of the Past
She knew the face — the finely etched lines, the slicked back hair, the sallow skin — but the familiar yellow eyes had none of the depth she remembered. “You seem familiar,” he said, aware of her attention. He scrutinized her face. “Do I know you?” “No,” she said. “I thought you were someone IContinue reading “Ghosts of the Past”
The Other First Duty
Simon Cooper went through the Academy and rose to be the navigator of the Enterprise-D. Wesley Crusher was on the bridge getting the glory and not even trained for the job. “Simon!” Wesley said, “you won’t believe what happened today!” “I couldn’t guess.” “An spatial anomaly opened in our flightpath, and a space worm emerged! Continue reading “The Other First Duty”
Historical Irony
“I do not understand this noise your friend Zefram enjoys,” said T’Liis. Something about a “Magic Carpet Ride” emanated from the jukebox. “He calls it ‘music.’” Lily Sloane looked at Cochrane passed out nearby. “Zef’s music isn’t my style.” She pushed two buttons and kicked the jukebox in the side. The guitar wailing stopped abruptly,Continue reading “Historical Irony”
From:� Satie, Norah, Rear Admiral To:� Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain In light of recent actions undertaken by yourself and the Time Lord known as the Doctor on stardate 37141.5 in halting and destroying the Krynoid foliage overrunning the Berengaria VII colony, you are hereby authorized for detached assignment aboard the Doctor’s craft known as the TARDIS,Continue reading “Orders”
On a Lost Story
I have on my desk a composition book. It dates to 2001. There are things in it like notes from that year’s Shore Leave, directions to my friend Jason’s house in Arlington, notes from the Electronics Boutique vendor show in Las Vegas that year. Random stuff. It also has the first few pages of aContinue reading “On a Lost Story”
On Things I’ve Been Reading
Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #8 IDW Publishing Written by Scott & David Tipton Pencils by Gordon Purcell Watercolors by J.K. Woodward Ten months ago, IDW Publishing announced the comic book I’d waited most of my life to read — a Star Trek/Doctor Who crossover. Yesterday, I read the eighth and final issue.Continue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”
On Star Trek/Doctor Who Speculations
Tomorrow, issue #7 of Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 arrives in shops. In about six weeks, the crossover epic will be done. Finito. Before we get the final issues, here’s how I think the series will shake out. Possible spoilers, naturally.
On Things I’ve Been Reading
Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #5 IDW Publishing Written by Scott & David Tipton Pencils by Gordon Purcell Watercolors by J.K. Woodward It’s safe to say that after the fourth issue of Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 that I was ready to give up on this series. My two favorite science-fictionContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”