On Doctor Who’s “The End of Time”

The trouble with being a writer is that, occasionally, I’ll try and outthink a story as I’m reading it or watching it. Neil Gaiman wrote about this very thing in an introduction to a story or a novel I read a few years ago, that because he’s a storyteller, he knows the tricks and heContinue reading “On Doctor Who’s “The End of Time””

On Magnificently Mental Musings

As some of you know, I have a theory about where Russell T. Davies, henceforth RTD, is taking Doctor Who before he’s done next week. My theory is that it involves RTD pressing a Reset Button on his way out the door. The reasons are both narrative and personal. It lets RTD have his spectacleContinue reading “On Magnificently Mental Musings”

On 2001: A Who Odyssey

Imagine a world where Stanley Kubrick made Doctor Who‘s “The Wheel in Space.” It’s not impossible. Kubrick was seriously impressed with the effects work in “The Daleks’ Master-Plan.” Imagine no more! 2001: A Who Odyssey. The Silver Carrier! The space station! The Tycho Excavation! The weird shit with the hotel room! The Star Child! It’sContinue reading “On 2001: A Who Odyssey”

On October’s Web Stats

Before we start looking forward to November, let’s take a look back at October and what people wanted to know from allyngibson.net. 🙂 First up, I had 10,925 distinct visitors for the month. Which works out to roughly 360 a day, give or take. Wednesday is the least visited day of the week, versus SaturdayContinue reading “On October’s Web Stats”

On the June’s Statistics

Another month gone, which means a month’s worth of statistics to delve into. What were the hot topics at allyngibson.net for the month of June? Let’s look first at search phrases: beatles remasters 2009 (109) dr who lego (75) anakin skywalker’s father (47) lego dr who (35) the beatles remasters 2009 (29) abducted by theContinue reading “On the June’s Statistics”

On April’s Statistics

It’s a dreary day, I have laundry in the washing machine, and I’m in a writing-avoidance mode. Which is as good an excuse as any to discuss what people were interested in from me for the month of April. 😉 Some jiggery and pokery with Analog accomplished, here’s what we’ve got. The top search phrasesContinue reading “On April’s Statistics”

More on the End of Short Trips

On Friday I wrote about the end of Big Finish Productions’ Short Trips line of Doctor Who anthologies. The final volume in the series, Re:Collections, is coming out next month, and it will be a “best of” volume, featuring one story from each of the preceeding twenty-eight volumes. I found on Big Finish’s website thisContinue reading “More on the End of Short Trips”

On the Things People Look For

I love the Internet. I love how it can resurrect old things I’ve written, like a reanimated corpse. There’s seven years worth of my blatherings here. Google knows them all. Over the weekend, two major hits stood out. A televised broadcast of Attack of the Clones no doubt prompted the hits on my theory aboutContinue reading “On the Things People Look For”

On “New Doctor” Anticipation

So, in about two hours, we’ll know. We’ll know who David Tennant’s replacement is. We’ll know who the next Doctor will be. 🙂 BBC News has a rundown of the leading contenders. Leading, as in, these are the people the bookies in the UK are talking about. As if bookies know anything. The leading candidateContinue reading “On “New Doctor” Anticipation”