On occasion, I can be a stat fiend. I used to write analyses each month of what people were looking for on my website, but eventually I lost interest. Not in looking at the stats — the information was interesting to me — but in sharing it with others — I’m not sure that itContinue reading “On WordPress Plug-Ins and WordPress.Com Tags”
Tag Archives: WordPress
On the Archetypal Allyn
Within the last month, comment spam on my blog has gone from fairly minimal to fairly insane. Fortunately, I have traps in place to catch, but I’ve had to implement something I’m not a fan of — setting it so that comments don’t appear until I approve them if the person has never commented before.Continue reading “On the Archetypal Allyn”
On the New Blog Design
After deciding to redesign my blog’s layout, I decided against it. I ran a Hot Wax Weekend instead over Memorial Day. The thing was, I’d already started coding the new website design I’d selected, taking the CoolBlue stylesheet from StyleShout. I had the “main” files done — header.php, index.php, sidebar.php, and footer.php. Yes, there areContinue reading “On the New Blog Design”
On a Retro Weekend
Hot Wax Weekend! When I was young, the local radio stations had a Hot Wax Weekend from time to time; they would roll back the clock and play hits of the 60s instead of hits of the 80s. For me, on a Hot Wax Weekend, I also turn back the clock. The blogging clock. ToContinue reading “On a Retro Weekend”
On Thinking About a Blog Redesign
I am planning a blog redesign. Longtime readers know that in the past I’ve changed my blog design the way others change their socks. The reasons for changing the layout in the past are many — WordPress makes it easy, a blog redesign makes me feel productive without being productive, sheer boredom. In this case,Continue reading “On Thinking About a Blog Redesign”
On the Thursday View
I wrote a lot of words today. My brain hamster is really tired. I worked that poor hamster. I made him get up in the spinning wheel. I made him run fast faster fastest. I wouldn’t let the hamster rest. The hamster ran and ran and ran. The end results I was pleased with. SomeContinue reading “On the Thursday View”
On Twitterology and WordPressery
I have a Twitter account. I barely use it. I always forget about it. Yes, I have crossposters to move content from my blog to Twitter by Tweeting a link back to my latest post. Yes, I have a widget for Opera that lets me access Twitter easily with a nice windowed interface. I forgetContinue reading “On Twitterology and WordPressery”
On the Christmas Weekend
A hectic week at the office this shall be. I can already sense it, like a great disturbance in the Force. There’s nothing wrong with that; staying busy is a good thing. 🙂 It was a LEGO holiday. My sister and her husband gave me the LEGO Star Wars Visual Dictionary, which will prove invaluableContinue reading “On the Christmas Weekend”
On the Newest WordPress Upgrade
I did it. I bit the bullet. I upgraded to WordPress 2.9. The upgrade to 2.8 several months ago left me shellshocked. It didn’t go smoothly, as WordPress 2.8 is a bloated memory beast. The later bugfix releases of the 2.8 branch brought the memory requirements back in line, and it turned out to beContinue reading “On the Newest WordPress Upgrade”
On Snowy Day Coding
There’s a new version of WordPress out today, and I’ll probably download it and upgrade this weekend. After the experience of moving to WordPress 2.8 — which wasn’t pleasant — I’m a little cautious. The main issue with that upgrade — the WordPress memory bloat — was resolved in one of the bugfix releases. It’sContinue reading “On Snowy Day Coding”