The above-the-fold article in Saturday’s Washington Post covered President Bush’s press conference yesterday. From the two opening paragraphs: President Bush warned defiant Republican senators yesterday that he will close down a CIA interrogation program that he credited with thwarting terrorist attacks if they pass a proposal regulating detention of enemy combatants, escalating a politically chargedContinue reading “On Interrogation, War Crimes, the President, and Congress”
Tag Archives: George Bush
On the Things We Now Know
Bernard Weiner, at the Crisis Papers, has written an essay about the “Twenty Things We Now Know Five Years After 9/11.” Now that we’re five years past the events of that Tuesday morning in September, Weiner takes stock of what’s happened to the United States in that span of time. His observations? Not good. InContinue reading “On the Things We Now Know”
On Staying the Course, and Insanity
Last night, in an on-line chat, a friend brought up a defintion of insanity–doing the same thing repeatedly, but expecting different results. I’m not certain who came up with that defintion–I’ve heard it was Albert Einstein, but it may predate even him–and it’s not a definition I’ve always agreed with–circumstances do change, and that canContinue reading “On Staying the Course, and Insanity”
On Defending V For Vendetta
Last night, browsing one of the bulletin boards I frequent, I chanced across a thread blasting V For Vendetta, the adaptation of Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s graphic novel about an anarchist fighting a near-future fascist British government, for being, and I quote, “boring.” Said the writer of the post: If this was supposed toContinue reading “On Defending V For Vendetta”
On Public Policy and the Middle-East
Yesterday, as I listened to NPR reporting on the Israeli arms build-up on the Lebanon border and the bombing of Beirut, I had a cynical thought. If there were adults in charge of the United States government, the adults would have already brought the Israelis, the Hezbollah, to the negotiating table. The Secretary of StateContinue reading “On Public Policy and the Middle-East”
On the President's Early Morning Speech
I awoke this morning, fixed a cup of coffee, sat down at the computer, and turned on NPR’s “Morning Edition,” only to discover that President Bush would shortly be giving a speech on the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a high-ranking al-Qaeda leader in Iraq. Listening to the speech, without the President’s image, to distractContinue reading “On the President's Early Morning Speech”
On the President's Speech
President Bush addressed the nation tonight in a rare address from the Oval Office on the subject of immigration reform and border security. In other news, I received Neil Young’s new CD, Living With War in the mail today–Living With War is an anti-Bush album, with tracks decrying the war and calling for Bush’s impeachment.Continue reading “On the President's Speech”
On the Important Things
What does President Bush rate as the best moment of his Presidency? The best thing that’s happened to him in the last five years? According to an interview in a German newspaper Bush cited catching a fish as the best moment of his Presidency. “You know, I’ve experienced many great moments and it’s hard toContinue reading “On the Important Things”
On Buying Rolling Stone
On Friday I bought the latest issue of Rolling Stone. I used to be an avid reader of Rolling Stone, but a few years ago I stopped for reasons I couldn’t begin to explicate. Oh, there was the feeling that the magazine had ceased to have any relevence to me or my tastes in music,Continue reading “On Buying Rolling Stone”
On Suessian Poetry
Bill Leisner pointed this out–if the Bush Administration were a Doctor Suess poem, what would it be like? I’m the decider. I pick and I choose. I pick among whats. And choose among whos. And as I decide Each particular day The things I decide on All turn out that way. There’s more, a lotContinue reading “On Suessian Poetry”