Remember, remember The fifth of November I can say that with a halfway decent Hugo Weaving voice, to which I usually append “Frodo Baggins.” But that’s just because I’m silly. 😉 From this day forward, the fifth of November will be remembered for two reasons. It will be remembered for Guy Fawkes and the GunpowderContinue reading “On the Fifth of November”
Tag Archives: v-for-vendetta
On Guy Fawkes Day
It occurs to me, as I sit here drinking my morning coffee, that today is the Fifth of November. Guy Fawkes Day. The Gunpowder Plot isn’t something that Americans think of often, if ever. It’s a footnote in history books. I took a class in college on Stuart England, and Guy Fawkes got maybe aContinue reading “On Guy Fawkes Day”
On the Election and V For Vendetta
In honor of Guy Fawkes Day and in reflection of the mid-term elections two days hence, I thought I’d offer a few quotes from V For Vendetta. “There is something terribly wrong with the country.” “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.” Vote on Tuesday, people.
On Defending V For Vendetta
Last night, browsing one of the bulletin boards I frequent, I chanced across a thread blasting V For Vendetta, the adaptation of Alan Moore and David Lloyd’s graphic novel about an anarchist fighting a near-future fascist British government, for being, and I quote, “boring.” Said the writer of the post: If this was supposed toContinue reading “On Defending V For Vendetta”
On the Lack of Updates
Updates this past week have been sparse. Frankly. I’ve not been in the mood, hasn’t been a priority. Such is life. That’s not to say things haven’t happened this past week. They have. I’ve been tired. I’ve felt weary. My bones ached. I’ve been frustrated. One, on its own, might not have been much. AddContinue reading “On the Lack of Updates”