Because it’s early, here’s two random memes courtesy of Keith. First up, fifty personal questions…
Tag Archives: Memes
On First-of-the-Month Hits
From the creative mind of Keith DeCandido, “Tell what the first post of every month of the 2007 calendar year was.” Okie-day! January: On Incompetant Blundering — An after-action report of an Age of Empires III game. February: On Invitations — I was invited to a blogger conference. March: On the New Mission — IContinue reading “On First-of-the-Month Hits”
On Thanksgiving Day Memeage
In lieu of content today, let’s play some meme games. First, what famous leader am I? What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by I never really thought of Einstein as a leader, per se… :/ And then! What classic movie am I? What Classic Movie Are You?personality tests by Never read the book.Continue reading “On Thanksgiving Day Memeage”
On Reading Levels
I’d say this is mildly depressing…. Except that it’s not. I write for a living, and most publications — like newspapers — have a target reading age of junior high school. Even someone like Hemingway has a low reading age. It’s a function of the writing style employed, and tools like the website are, atContinue reading “On Reading Levels”
On Mangling Shakespeare
From Lawrence Schoen, a Shakespeare thing: Give thy Allyn no tongue. Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from? Get your own quotes: What an interesting mangled quote. 😆
On a Television Meme
Seen on several friends’ pages in the blogosphere: Post a list of seven TV shows you love (current or canceled). Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show. When guessed, bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character. Post in your own journal. Seven television shows,Continue reading “On a Television Meme”
On a Reverse Meme
Stolen from novelist David McIntee. Rather than me talking about me, this is you talking about you. Fill this out so I can know a bit more about you, my readers! 🙂 Can you cook? What was your dream growing up? What talent do you wish you had? If I bought you a drink whatContinue reading “On a Reverse Meme”
On This Morning’s Personality Fun Stuff
Something fun to start off the week… Allyn Gibson – a teaspoon of trustworthiness– a teaspoon of athleticism– 1/4 cup of confidence Blend together quickly and serve. ‘What is your personality recipe?’ at
On Biblical Villainy
This one was too perfect. 🙂 Your Score: Satan You scored 80% Pride, 65% Envy, 70% Ambition, and 65% Deceitfulness! You are Satan, the consummate villain, and the ascendant figure in the unholy trinity. Throughout history you have been called The Serpent, The Accuser, The Devil, Lucifer, The Prince of the Power of the Air,Continue reading “On Biblical Villainy”
On the Blame Game
I see on several friends’ blogs and LJs a new game. The meme: Type “[[your name]] looks like” into Google (with the quotes), and post as many results as you like. Well, I want to play a different game. The Blame Game. Same rules. But instead, we’ll punch the phrase “blame [[Name]]” into Google (andContinue reading “On the Blame Game”