On First-of-the-Month Hits

From the creative mind of Keith DeCandido, “Tell what the first post of every month of the 2007 calendar year was.” Okie-day! January: On Incompetant Blundering — An after-action report of an Age of Empires III game. February: On Invitations — I was invited to a blogger conference. March: On the New Mission — IContinue reading “On First-of-the-Month Hits”

On Thanksgiving Day Memeage

In lieu of content today, let’s play some meme games. First, what famous leader am I? What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com I never really thought of Einstein as a leader, per se… :/ And then! What classic movie am I? What Classic Movie Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com Never read the book.Continue reading “On Thanksgiving Day Memeage”

On a Television Meme

Seen on several friends’ pages in the blogosphere: Post a list of seven TV shows you love (current or canceled). Have your friends list guess your favorite character from each show. When guessed, bold the line and write a little bit about why you like that character. Post in your own journal. Seven television shows,Continue reading “On a Television Meme”