On Things I Did On Friday

I was in a Scottish mood yesterday. My RSS feed reader told me that the latest episode of Scotland Introducing, a podcast devoted to unsigned Scottish indie bands, was available. I followed that, throughout the day, by listening to Idlewild, Camera Obscura, Y’All Is Fantasy Island, and I’m probably forgetting one or two other ScottishContinue reading “On Things I Did On Friday”

On the Monday Morning View

Ever have a day where you feel like something… momentous is going to happen? Today is one of those days. The world had a different… quality today. Maybe it’s the seagulls flying overhead. Maybe it’s the feeling of springtime and sunshine. Maybe the air feels different. Maybe it’s that I decided to wear a necktieContinue reading “On the Monday Morning View”

On Random Thoughts, Late Friday Afternoon

At a meeting today… “We’re not writing Hemingway here.” No, I try and write like Fitzgerald, thanks. Last night, while listening to the BBC World Service on NPR, I heard something I’d never, ever heard before. I heard someone pronounce “February” the way it’s spelled. I’ve always heard people say “Fe Byoo Airy.” Sometimes, justContinue reading “On Random Thoughts, Late Friday Afternoon”