On Shore Leave Anticipation

Shore Leave is coming up. The second weekend in July — the 9th through the 11th. Guests this year include Edward James Olmos and Katee Sackhoff. If you’re in the Baltimore area in mid-July and you’re looking for a convention, Shore Leave’s worth your time. I bring up Shore Leave because yesterday I received anContinue reading “On Shore Leave Anticipation”

On Madcap Ideas

On occasion, I have completely mental thoughts. Take last Friday, for instance. After the every-few-monthly pub outing with the department I, while somewhat intoxicated, wrote the following sentence: “Imagine a world without fractions.” I don’t know what that means. I can’t imagine a world without fractions. Yet, I worked that sentence into a Sherlock HolmesContinue reading “On Madcap Ideas”

On Star Trek Magazine’s Movie Spectacular

Within the next week or so, the new issue of Star Trek Magazine, issue #26 in the United States, issue #153 in the United Kingdom, will start showing up on newsstands. Its cover proclaims it to be “The Ultimate Movie Guide,” and all eleven Star Trek movies, from 1979’s Star Trek: The Motion Picture toContinue reading “On Star Trek Magazine’s Movie Spectacular”

On Drabble Writing

On occasion, I write drabbles. A drabble is a particularly unforgiving form a fiction. One hundred words. No more. No less. I’ve written sentences that barely get going at fifty words; a story at twice that length must surely be impossible! I began writing drabbles because of, for all things, Strange New Worlds, the StarContinue reading “On Drabble Writing”

On Reflections on My Writing

Of late, I’ve felt that writing has been like trying to pound blood from a stone. A strange metaphor, that. Obviously, I can write. I wrote some articles for work today. One presented a major challenge; I just couldn’t find anything to say. One flowed quite well, and it was done in ten minutes. Yesterday,Continue reading “On Reflections on My Writing”

On Farpoint 2010

This weekend, in gorgeous snow-capped Timonium, science-fiction fans will gather for Farpoint. Headlining guests this year are the winsome Felicia Day (The Guild and Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog) and Mira Furlan (Babylon 5). (Matt Frewer, whom I was really excited about, has canceled; actors have to work, after all.) There are going to be lotsContinue reading “On Farpoint 2010”

On Non-Standard Punctuation

In my quest for new and ever-more-interesting ways to communicate, I have discovered non-standard punctuation. We all know periods and commas. I am particularly fond of the semi-colon, and I make fair use of dashes. (Dashes are the “house style” at work. I am not, actually, a fan of the dash. I find it… sloppy.)Continue reading “On Non-Standard Punctuation”