Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020

Last week the news broke that Fox is working on a film adaptation of Spamalot, the musical by Eric Idle based on Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I’ve wanted a film adaptation of Spamalot for a while now. I wrote on TrekBBS a year ago, “I’d have preferred it ten years ago with theContinue reading “Spamalot: The Movie, Coming Our Way in 2020”

The Return of Rutlemania

In December the Rutles are coming to Blu-Ray. The Rutles, the legend that will last a lunchtime! The Rutles, the Prefab Four! The Rutles — Ron, Dirk, Stig, and Barry! The Rutles, four loveable moptops from Liverpool who conquered the musical world and discovered tea! The Rutles were the creation of Eric Idle and NeilContinue reading “The Return of Rutlemania”

On George Harrison and “The Pirate Song”

It’s another International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and while I normally post a bootleg video of George Harrison’s performance of “The Pirate Song” on Eric Idle’s Rutland Weekend Television, this morning I found something far more interesting. A ukulele cover of “The Pirate Song”! Yes, the things that amuse me… This cover is byContinue reading “On George Harrison and “The Pirate Song””

On Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut)

The past few days I’ve been living in a Monty Python world. Edward R. Hamilton, a remaindered books seller. They also sell DVDs, and in a recent catalog I noticed they were offering Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut), a six-hour documentary that was shown on IFC several years ago that I’d neverContinue reading “On Monty Python: Almost the Truth (The Lawyer’s Cut)”

On A Brand-New Rutles Project

The Rutles! Who among us is not a fan of the Prefab Four? Who can’t remember where they were when Ron, Dirk, Stig, and Barry appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show? Who could forget the riots when they played the concert at Che Stadium? Who could forget the outcry when Dirk announced that he wasContinue reading “On A Brand-New Rutles Project”

On The Rutles: Rock Band

I have The Rutles on. And as I’m listening to “Joe Public” — the Rutles’ riff on “Tomorrow Never Knows” from Archaeology — I had a lunatic brainwave. There should be Rutles downloadable content for Beatles Rock Band. Hell, people have tried passing off “Cheese & Onions” as a genuine John Lennon song. And GeorgeContinue reading “On The Rutles: Rock Band”

On Not the Messiah

First Spamalot. Now Not the Messiah. Eric Idle is bringing a classic Monty Python film, The Life of Brian to a new stage: “the comic oratorio”: “Provisionally titled Not the Messiah (He’s a Very Naughty Boy), in a nod both to Handel and one of the film’s best-known lines, the project will be Idle’s secondContinue reading “On Not the Messiah”