Yesterday morning I had to run an errand in downtown York. The local Democratic Party office offered a virtual inauguration package — a party bag of two bottles of sparkling cider, plastic glasses, buttons, flags, and other stuff — with a donation, and I thought that sounded cool, so I ordered one, which necessitated aContinue reading “An Abandoned Church”
Tag Archives: Ukulele
A cover of elbow’s “Starlings” on the ukulele. I have a uke. I bought it in the spring. I thought so might learn to play it… and then I never found — or made — the time.
On George Harrison and “The Pirate Song”
It’s another International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and while I normally post a bootleg video of George Harrison’s performance of “The Pirate Song” on Eric Idle’s Rutland Weekend Television, this morning I found something far more interesting. A ukulele cover of “The Pirate Song”! Yes, the things that amuse me… This cover is byContinue reading “On George Harrison and “The Pirate Song””
On Ukulele Playlists
Several months ago I discovered The Beatles Complete on Ukulele, a weekly podcast of ukulele Beatles covers. I added the feed to iTunes, and within an hour I had all the songs that had been released to date. Since then, I’ve stayed on top of downloading the podcast, though I’ve recently had to fix aContinue reading “On Ukulele Playlists”