On Liddy Dole’s Bigotry

A week and a half ago I wrote about anti-atheist bigotry in the North Carolina Senate race. A group had cut an attack ad tying Democratic challenger Kay Hagan to a political action committe, the Godless Americans PAC. Senator Elizabeth Dole cut her own ad, “Promises.” It’s harsh. The closing moments, of Kay Hagan’s faceContinue reading “On Liddy Dole’s Bigotry”

On Political Action Committees and Anti-Athiest Bigotry

Yes, people, I read Red State so you don’t have to. Sometimes, I read conservatives writing about things that simply make no sense to me. Today, however, I found something that angered me. In North Carolina, Liddy Dole is running for reelection to the Senate. Now, I’ve written about Dole in the past; when sheContinue reading “On Political Action Committees and Anti-Athiest Bigotry”

On Senatorial Races

Rumor has it that former Virginia governor Mark Warner will be announcing his candidacy for the Virginia Senate race this week. I’ve written about Warner before, when he announced that he would not be seeking the Democratic Presidential nomination, and I believe that Warner would be a formidable Senatorial candidate in Virginia against any RepublicanContinue reading “On Senatorial Races”

On the Absent Liddy Dole

When I lived in North Carolina my two senators were Liddy Dole and Bob Burr. I’d write letters to both, pester them about supporting non-Republican causes (which was, itself, a non-starter as both are loyal Republicans). Burr, at least, would write back. Dole, except for one letter on a proposal to raise the Minimum Wage,Continue reading “On the Absent Liddy Dole”