Yesterday, the writers went to Subway for lunch. About a month ago, during their Scrabble promotion, I won a coupon for a free “Flatbread or Regular 6″ Sub.” Note the order of the words. We will come back to this. I ordered a Subway Melt Flatbread. It had bacon on it, and I’m not aContinue reading “On the Trouble with Coupons”
Tag Archives: lunch
On Perfection
Allyn’s Rules of Life. Number 43. “When it comes to lunch there is nothing in life more perfect than a peanut butter and banana sandwich.”
On a Bulletin Board
I’m in Durham at their new mall, Streets at Southpoint. I’d driven out there to pick up a few games–Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had come out that morning for the PC, and my store had sold out. The Southpoint store, though, had extras to spare. So, with new Coldplay in the car stereo, IContinue reading “On a Bulletin Board”