On a Different Kind of Warfare

I’ve had WarCraft on the brain recently, so I went digging around yesterday for my WarCraft II discs. It’s strange, revisiting a ten year old strategy game. Age of Empires has one spoiled — the things I take for granted, like queueing up units or finding idle units quickly, aren’t there in this old relic.Continue reading “On a Different Kind of Warfare”

On WarCraft: Dragon Hunt

I bought at Barnes & Noble yesterday Dragon Hunt, the first volume in Tokyopop’s WarCraft: The Sunwell Trilogy manga, written by Richard Knaak, author of three WarCraft novels from Pocket Books, and illustrated by Jae-Hwan Kim. This first volume is slim, weighing in at about 150 pages. I read through Dragon Hunt in about twentyContinue reading “On WarCraft: Dragon Hunt”