On Working on My NaNoWriMo Outline

Hello? Is this mic still on…? Ah, there it is. The squeal of feedback. I’ve been busy. And writing. But mostly busy. This happens to all of us from time to time, but it’s been especially bad of late. One thing I’ve been working on? I’m finally tackling a revision to the Merlin outline. Yes,Continue reading “On Working on My NaNoWriMo Outline”

On the Death of a Friend

It was a strange weekend. A colleague of mine at the office, Lance Woods, did an autographing of his first novel, Heroic Park, at a bookstore about ten minutes from the house, so Saturday afternoon I drove up to Reisterstown. There was a nice group of people crowded into the bookstore, all people I knewContinue reading “On the Death of a Friend”

On a Life Round-Up

Where does the time go? Don’t answer that. It’s a rhetorical question. Life has been busy. There have been writing deadlines, both work-related and personal-related. There has been some personal stuff occupying my time — and driving me half-mental. And there has been working on WordPress code for the new website. Let’s take these inContinue reading “On a Life Round-Up”