Random brainwave I had this morning…
The Classic Trek films had impressive sounding names. Maybe not impressive sounding, but descriptive. The Star Trek: The Next Generation films, by contrast, have positively dull names.
If you were given the power to give the NextGen films names like the Classic Trek films, what names would you give them?
My picks:
- Star Trek VII: The Passing of Generations
- Star Trek VIII: The Dawn of Tomorrow
- Star Trek IX: The Price of Liberty
- Star Trek X: ?
(As Star Trek: Nemesis isn’t out yet and I haven’t read the script even though I’ve had it for a few months, I don’t know that an suggestion for it is appropriate yet.)
If you were given the power to give the Classic Trek films names like
their NextGen counterparts, what names would you give them?
My picks:
- Star Trek Reunion
- Star Trek Vengeance
- Star Trek Rebirth
- Star Trek Contratemps
- Star Trek ?
- Star Trek Denouement
(Boiling Star Trek V down to a one-word title is leaving me stumped.)
Other thoughts? Suggestions?