On former President Carter and Wiretaps

Did President Bush violate the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act when he authorized wiretaps without court authority? Former President Jimmy Carter has a unique perspective on the issue–he was the President that signed FISA into law when it was passed in 1978. Said Carter, “If my voice is important to point of the intent of theContinue reading “On former President Carter and Wiretaps”

On Senator Kerry's Filibuster

Massachusetts Senator Kerry today called for a Senate filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Judge Samuel Alito. I don’t know how the votes will break down, if the Democrats will have enough votes to hold off a cloture vote. If the cloture vote to end debate fails, would the Republicans then unleash the nuclear option, rewritingContinue reading “On Senator Kerry's Filibuster”

On the President and His Vacations

It’s now official–the President has spent a full 365 days out of his not-quite five years as leader of the Free World on vacation, clearing brush off his Texas ranch. This article from the Washington Post passes no judgment on the President’s hobbies, but the question needs to be asked–aren’t there better, more important thingsContinue reading “On the President and His Vacations”

More on Writing Letters

Today, Christmas Day, the Raleigh News & Observer published my letter on the President’s illegal domestic spying program. Color me happy. 🙂 Among the other letters published in today’s paper I do like this quote from Randy Balot: “We are fighting a two-front war. In the Middle East are the Islamofascists. In the United StatesContinue reading “More on Writing Letters”

On Writing Letters

Yesterday I mailed off a letter to my Congressman, Representative Brad Miller. As I mentioned a few days ago, Representative Miller has sent me e-mails on occasion, and I decided to write to him about the recent revelations regarding the President’s decision to flaunt the courts and the Constitution and institute illegal wiretaps on personsContinue reading “On Writing Letters”

On Voting Machines

My voting precinct uses paper ballots. Odd paper ballots, to be sure–you use a black sharpie to connect two halves of an arrow to indicate your voting preferences–but still, paper ballots. With a paper trail. As my experience a year ago when I was nearly disenfranchised would indicate. But not all of North Carolina usesContinue reading “On Voting Machines”