On Fox’s Baseball Decisions

Dear Fox, What the hell is wrong with you? You are continuing to broadcast this Yankees/Indians game. It’s twenty-two to four. Is there any reason at all that you can’t switch to a real game? The Cubs/Cardinals game is tied in the eleventh. Don’t you think your audience would be more interested in seeing someContinue reading “On Fox’s Baseball Decisions”

On the End of Short Trips

Two and a half years ago, Keith DeCandido sent me an e-mail — “How would you like to write a Doctor Who story for me? I’m putting together a Short Trips anthology, and you’re on my list of writers.” No, that’s not the actual text of Keith’s e-mail, but it’s a pretty good flavor. ShortContinue reading “On the End of Short Trips”

On Monday Morning’s Journey

My morning commute was snarled this morning. At the State Center/Cultural Center light rail stop, a car pulled out in front of the northbound train and got smacked. I watched it happen. I was waiting for the next train. This wasn’t a train I could take; it was heading for the Penn Station spur, whichContinue reading “On Monday Morning’s Journey”

On Things I’ve Been Reading

Some recent comic book purchases. Irredeemable #1 BOOM! Studios Written by Mark Waid Art by Peter Krause For nearly twenty years my brother and I have jokingly called Mark Waid “Waid the Butthead.” The reason goes back to an early issue of DC Comics’ The Comet, part of their short-lived revival of Archie Comics’ superheroesContinue reading “On Things I’ve Been Reading”

On Thursday Morning Quiz Thingies

In lieu of meaningful content this beautiful Thursday morning, here’s three internet quiz type things. Enjoy! You Are a Snow Leopard You have learned that you must rely on yourself, and yourself alone, to live a happy life. You are understand the world better than most people you know. You are very perceptive and intuitive.Continue reading “On Thursday Morning Quiz Thingies”