On Tristram Shandy and Book Buying

I’ve decided that I’m going to use Barnes & Noble’s website more often for my book-buying needs. Our story begins two nights ago. I’d recently acquired Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story on DVD for less than five dollars. When it came out in 2006, I wanted to see it, despite never having readContinue reading “On Tristram Shandy and Book Buying”

On WGN, the Cubs, and the Sox

I sat down to watch today’s Cubs/White Sox game. I was looking forward to two of my favorite announcers, Bob and Len, in the booth, talking about the Cubs and baseball. Instead, WGN put the Sox broadcast team — “Hawk” Harrelson and some other guy — on the game. I realized that while I’ve heardContinue reading “On WGN, the Cubs, and the Sox”

On Friends and Five Years Gone

My habit of holding onto old e-mails and documents paid dividends today. At Natalie and Beau’s wedding reception Saturday night I found myself talking to Natalie’s cousin. I was trying to figure out how long I knew them. I ran the numbers in my head, and I decided that it was almost exactly five yearsContinue reading “On Friends and Five Years Gone”