They Say It's Christmas….

It doesn’t feel like Christmas. The weather is too nice. This week Raleigh has seen temperatures in the seventies, except for yesterday which was rainy, foggy, and blue. How can one think of Christmas in conditions like that? The muzak at the store still isn’t playing Christmas music. How can shoppers be in the ChristmasContinue reading “They Say It's Christmas….”

And it’s Friday, so…?

Looking through the archives I remembered every Christmas is like this. Too much to do, too little time and too little staff to accomplish it. The body forgets. It’s the triumphs of the season–the happy kids, the satisfied parents–that stick in memory, not the bleak moments. And sometimes I wonder how I made it throughContinue reading “And it’s Friday, so…?”

The Words That Won't Write

An e-mail just won’t write itself. For an hour I’ve wrestled with the words. Sometimes they sound pretentious. Sometimes they sound condescending. And it’s not even an important e-mail. It’s just a response on a mailing list. I want to offer my perspective on the subject at hand. Even though I know the point IContinue reading “The Words That Won't Write”

Things That Make You Go "Hunh?"

Try this one on. Roll it around the mind for a moment. A customer calls. He’s having a problem with his GameCube, specificially with the power supply. It’s burned out, and he wants a replacement. We don’t sell replacement power supplies. The only place I know to get them is direct from Nintendo. I recommendContinue reading “Things That Make You Go "Hunh?"”

Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel

Another midnight opening. This time, for World of WarCraft. Unlike Halo 2, though, this isn’t a company-wide phenomenon. In fact, I know of no other stores in the chain doing a midnight opening. Like Halo 2 we had the product in stores, in the backroom, awaiting the street date. Pre-sells were solid, substantial, not HaloContinue reading “Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel”