A few weeks ago, the day Shore Leave began, I stopped at Target. I needed to pick up some supplies for the weekend, and while I was there I took a look at the various LEGO and LEGO-like sets that they had. And, there on the shelf, were the Mega Bloks World of WarCraft sets.Continue reading “On Building a Mega Bloks Set”
Tag Archives: World-of-WarCraft
On Games and Nostalgia
Dear GameStop employees, You can blame me. It’s my fault. No, really, it is. kthxbye! Oh, wait. You’re wanting me to explain that, aren’t you? You bounder, you cheat! Well, okay then. I was at the mall this afternoon. I was looking for the new issue of MOJO at Borders. Mostly I wanted the secondContinue reading “On Games and Nostalgia”
I posted a few hours ago: “I’m curious how many people will show. I expect it will be more than twenty. I hope it will be more than forty.” I can’t name numbers. Trade secret. Sorry. I can say this. I way low-balled the number of customers that showed up for the midnight launch. EvenContinue reading “Woo-Hoo!”
Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel
Another midnight opening. This time, for World of WarCraft. Unlike Halo 2, though, this isn’t a company-wide phenomenon. In fact, I know of no other stores in the chain doing a midnight opening. Like Halo 2 we had the product in stores, in the backroom, awaiting the street date. Pre-sells were solid, substantial, not HaloContinue reading “Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel”