On Political Typology

The Pew Research Center for the People & the Press have posted on their website a political typology test. The survey breaks the American polis into nine groups: Enterprisers Social Conservatives Pro-Government Conservatives Upbeats Disaffecteds Conservative Democrats Disadvantaged Democrats Liberals Bystanders Where do I stand? Liberal Based on your answers to the questionnaire, you mostContinue reading “On Political Typology”

On Saturn's newly-discovered moon

First, scientists find the Mars Polar Lander. Now, astronomers on the Cassini project have found a moon tucked inside Saturn rings. The unnamed moon showed up in pictures taken by Cassini last week. The moon appears in the images as a tiny ball in a 155-mile wide black space in the ring known as theContinue reading “On Saturn's newly-discovered moon”

On my authorial tendencies

As seen on several blogs in the past day, most recently Bill Leisner’s, which science fiction author am I? I am: Philip K. Dick The brilliant yet trashy master of the reality warp always left you unsure of what was real, but never forgot compassion. Which science fiction writer are you? That didn’t surprise me,Continue reading “On my authorial tendencies”