On Evaluating President Bush

It’s hard to look at what’s happening in Louisiana and not think that we’ve seen a massive failure of the federal, state, and local governments in responding to the destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. It’s hard to understand how someone like the Secretary of Homeland Security can be so blithely clueless about people stranded inContinue reading “On Evaluating President Bush”

On the Literary Perfect Dark

When Microsoft’s XBox 360 launches this fall, the expectation is that the system’s must-have game will be Perfect Dark Zero, the prequel to the best-selling first-person shooter Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64. But wait! some fanboys are saying. Isn’t there already a prequel to Perfect Dark? Wasn’t it called GoldenEye, since Perfect Dark wasContinue reading “On the Literary Perfect Dark”

On The American Spectator

A few years ago, completely by accident, I subscribed to The American Spectator. By accident I mean confusion, and I was confused–I thought I was re-upping my subscription to The American Prospect. Spectator is a right-wing magazine, Prospect falls to the left. So, for a year The American Spectator would come through the mailbox, I’dContinue reading “On The American Spectator”

On The Batman Cereal

Grocery store yesterday, buying lunch meat for dinner. I need breakfast cereal–I’d finished my box of Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp that morning. I don’t recommend the Peanut Butter Cookie Crisp, but that’s a story for another time. What do my eyes spy, but a cereal box with Batman on the front. The Batman cereal, LimitedContinue reading “On The Batman Cereal”

On Katrina and the Gasoline Situation

According to the morning’s newspaper the gas station in the shopping center where I work shuttered its doors yesterday–their pumps had run dry. Also yesterday, Governor Mike Easley called upon all North Carolinians to limit their fuel consumption–the hurricane in Louisiana shut down the gas pipeline through the southeast which leaves North Carolina with theContinue reading “On Katrina and the Gasoline Situation”