On Alberto Gonzales

Dear Mr. Gonzales: It’s time for you to go. You’ve lost Republican Senators. You’ve lost the New York Times. When their editorial page writes: If Attorney General Alberto Gonzales had gone to the Senate yesterday to convince the world that he ought to be fired, it’s hard to imagine how he could have done aContinue reading “On Alberto Gonzales”

Once More, on the Bayeux Tapestry

This is a little something for all the history geeks and English geeks who read this site. I saw link to this on Diane Duane’s blog, filed it away, and then took a look this morning. What is it? Someone took the Bayeux Tapestry and made an animated film out of it. The Bayeux Tapestry,Continue reading “Once More, on the Bayeux Tapestry”

On "Gridlock"

About a year ago when the new Doctor Who‘s second season began a frequent chorus was heard in online fandom–“David Tennant is good, but I can’t help but wonder how Christopher Eccleston would have been.” Tennant seemed traditionally Doctorish, while Eccleston’s performance was something else, like a force of nature. Eventually the chorus died downContinue reading “On "Gridlock"”

On Creationism Nonsense

I wrote recently something along the lines of “Flat Earthers and Creationists know more about science and the way the universe works than Brannon Braga.” Braga, of course, is the long-time Star Trek writer who wrote such scientific howlers as “Genesis” (in which people de-evolve into shrews and spiders, neither of which would be inContinue reading “On Creationism Nonsense”