Last night, I moved a few things on my desk — I was looking for my Age of Empires 3 disc, because I wanted to commit some war crimes — and the rejection letter from Random House for the Merlin novel, and the outline for said novel, were sitting there. It’s a lovely rejection letter.Continue reading “On Thanksgiving Day Musings”
Tag Archives: Merlin
On the Return of Merlin
Last night, thanks to the magic of the internet faeries, I watched Merlin‘s second season premiere, “The Curse of Cornelius Sigan.” When last we left Camelot in “Le Morte d’Arthur,” Prince Arthur has been poisoned by the Questing Beast, Arthur made a deal with Nimeuh to save his life, and when the deal cost himContinue reading “On the Return of Merlin”
On Arthurian Musings
On a bulletin board I frequent there has recently been some discussion of Merlin, the BBC series of which NBC recently finished broadcasting its first season. In Merlin, the titular wizard is anything but a wizard. He’s teenaged. He has powers, but he’s untrained in them. The use of magic is forbidden in the landsContinue reading “On Arthurian Musings”
On the End of Merlin’s First Season
Tonight, NBC broadcast the two-hour finale of the first season of the BBC’s Merlin. Like last week, where NBC showed two episodes — “The Moment of Truth” and “The Labyrinth of Gedref” back-to-back — I preferred the first hour to the second. The first episode tonight, “To Kill the King,” was incredibly dark. I wasn’tContinue reading “On the End of Merlin’s First Season”
On Catching Up on Merlin
And now, I am caught up on Merlin. Sunday night, NBC broadcast two episodes. However, I had no idea that they were showing two episodes. I just assumed that Merlin was on in its regular slot at 8 o’clock, and so I settled in to watch “The Labyrinth of Gedref.” Then, I found out laterContinue reading “On Catching Up on Merlin”
On a Letter of Rejection
I received this weekend the nicest rejection letter from the UK. At Shore Leave, I told several people that I took a chance on submitting an outline to a UK publisher for an original novel based on Merlin, the BBC series currently showing on NBC here. Yes, it was unsolicited. Yes, I wasn’t sure whatContinue reading “On a Letter of Rejection”
On Merlin, Sword-Pulling, and Random Research
Last night I was talking with a friend of mine about the Todd Klein print I ordered, “Drawing the Sword.” I’ve been on a medieval kick since May. The release of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun kicked it off, then a reading of The Saga of the Volsungs to reacquaint myself withContinue reading “On Merlin, Sword-Pulling, and Random Research”
On Various and Sundry
A random round-up of weekend happenings… — My stereo’s CD tray won’t open any longer. I had a feeling this was going to happen; the tray has been tetchy for a few months now. If I can figure out how to dismantle the stereo, possibly reset a gear or two, I might try that. —Continue reading “On Various and Sundry”
On The Sword in the Stone
A few weeks ago Disney released the 45th-anniversary edition of The Sword in the Stone, the animated adaptation of the first volume in T.H. White’s The Once and Future King Arthurian quadrilogy, on DVD. I’d been meaning to buy the movie for years because I have fond memories of it from my youth, but hadContinue reading “On The Sword in the Stone”