On Tortured Similes

I frequently read Penny Arcade. The creators bring a snarky eye to pop culture and video games, and the web comic rarely fails to amuse me. Today’s strip concerns, of all things, literary criticism. Specifically, the tendency in science fiction to invent really complicated similes for really simple comparisons. Throwing in random, made-up words —Continue reading “On Tortured Similes”

On Fandom Fights

When I first read about Star Wars Transformers, I thought they would be the coolest toys ever. Imagine Rebel Alliance ships turning in Autobots! Imagine Imperial ships turning into Decepticons! In some weird, alternate reality, Rodimus Prime is a B-Wing fighter, and Galvatron is a TIE-Interceptor. And that would be awesome. Naturally, Star Wars TransformersContinue reading “On Fandom Fights”

On Other Needed LEGOs

Three weeks ago I’d mentioned how some phrases kept turning up in my search logs, phrases related to LEGO Doctor Who. Strangely, after writing about the need for LEGO Doctor Who products, people stopped “asking.” Go figure. Howsomever, LEGO searches have remained popular. Just from the last week: LEGO Batman Killer Croc LEGO Frodo StarContinue reading “On Other Needed LEGOs”

More on LEGO Star Wars II

I sat down today and played through several levels of LEGO Star Wars II. I have almost enough LEGO studs to purchase my save file from the first game. That’s a mite disappointing, that I have to buy something that’s already on my XBox’s hard drive, but that’s how the game is, so I justContinue reading “More on LEGO Star Wars II”

On Snoopy and the Death Star Run

Prompted by my friend Todd‘s exhortation to download a Star Wars fan film, last night I downloaded “Beagle,” a two-minute long animated short following Snoopy and Woodstock in the Rebel attack on the original Death Star over Yavin IV. I’ve watched it five times now, and each time I’ve been disappointed. First, “Beagle” doesn’t recreateContinue reading “On Snoopy and the Death Star Run”