On a Week-End Round-Up

With the new redesign of the website, it’s possible that some potentially interesting content has fallen by the wayside and might be missed by casual readers. So, let’s review some of the things I wrote about last week. Sunday began with some thoughts on the new layout of the website. While I was happy withContinue reading “On a Week-End Round-Up”

On House and The Beatles

Let’s rewind a few days. Back to Tuesday. House returned to FOX on Tuesday for its final three episodes of the fourth season with a Very Special Christmas Episode. Unlike previous Very Special Christmas Episodes, Dr. Gregory House didn’t OD himself into oblivion. He had case. He had his new team. He had new mindContinue reading “On House and The Beatles”

On an Arrested Development Movie

I loved the FOX sitcom Arrested Development. It was smart. It was absurd. It was something you had to pay attention to. You couldn’t just watch and episode and “get” it. It was a series that rewarded attentive viewers. That it survived three seasons was nothing short of a miracle. Its ratings were never strong,Continue reading “On an Arrested Development Movie”

On “Across the Universe Day”

On Tuesday the DVD of Across the Universe hits stores. I needed to see that film the way I need oxygen, and for the most part I enjoyed the film. The soundtrack, at the very least, is one of the rare Beatles covers albums worth owning. It turns out that Tuesday, February 5th, is almostContinue reading “On “Across the Universe Day””