On Seeing Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Last week at work I won tickets to an advance screening tonight of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the third film in Michael Bay’s trilogy of films based on the popular Hasbro toys and the mid-80s cartoon series. Growing up as I did in the 1980s, I watched the cartoon religiously. The Autobots, the Decepticons,Continue reading “On Seeing Transformers: Dark of the Moon”

On the Almost Adequate “Almost People”

When last we left off in this series of Doctor Who reviews, BBC America had shown “The Rebel Flesh” before taking a brief hiatus for the Memorial Day holiday. Last night, BBC America returned Who to North American television screens with “The Almost People,” the second part of a two-part story about a mining baseContinue reading “On the Almost Adequate “Almost People””

On Doctor Who, the Celestis and The Eyeless

While Doctor Who fandom this weekend has been preoccupied with questions of predestination and Amy Pond’s flirtatiousness thanks to “Space” and “Time,” the two Doctor Who mini-episodes produced for Comic Relief while waiting for the season debut in five weeks, I’ve had other Doctor Who thoughts in mind, specifically about a two-year-old Doctor Who novel,Continue reading “On Doctor Who, the Celestis and The Eyeless”

On Matt Smith, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who

With Doctor Who filming in Utah next week, Doctor Who star Matt Smith will be appearing on The Craig Ferguson Show. Ferguson, of course, is a known Doctor Who fan, as this monologue from his show back in June testifies… At the time of that episode, with Doctor Who heading breakneck towards The Big Bang,Continue reading “On Matt Smith, Craig Ferguson, and Doctor Who”

On Counterfactual Doctor Who Musings

Over the weekend, with the world still in the afterglow of “A Study in Pink,” Sherlock‘s debut episode, reports began to surface in The Sun and The Daily Mail that Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch had been offered the role of the Doctor after David Tennant decided to leave. Really? The Sun? Really? The Daily Mail?Continue reading “On Counterfactual Doctor Who Musings”

On Doctor Who, the Pandorica, and the Legion of Super-Heroes

Doctor Who. :tardis: To quote Murray Gold, “Moffat, what have you done?” I could also quote the Master from “The Five Doctors,” but on the other hand that would be a spoiler, but on the gripping hand everyone already knows the quote, so I won’t quote it. Before I go all thinkie, I thought theContinue reading “On Doctor Who, the Pandorica, and the Legion of Super-Heroes”

On Doctor Who, Narrative, and Theories

Doctor Who inspires theories. I’ve had some interesting ones over the years, from what Jack Harkness might actually be (more interesting than the Face of Boe, let me tell you), to how Donna Noble was actually the TARDIS, to reset buttons, to a switcheroo in lieu of regeneration. Absolutely sensible, absolutely logical, and… Absolutely wrong.Continue reading “On Doctor Who, Narrative, and Theories”

On Writing a Weekend To-Do List

The weekend is at hand. This morning, on the train, rather than muse on the gloominess of the world, I wrote out a “To Do” list for the weekend. I write out “To Do” lists for the office most mornings; my cubicle neighbor can’t see the point, but I like thinking through what I’m doing,Continue reading “On Writing a Weekend To-Do List”

On Allyn’s “The Eleventh Hour” Thoughts

This isn’t a review of Doctor Who‘s “The Eleventh Hour,” per se, which debuted on BBC1 over the wekeend. I am, honestly, still processing it. Running it in the background, so to speak. What this is, however, is collection of things I’ve written elsewhere, in response to others, about the episode, which serves as aContinue reading “On Allyn’s “The Eleventh Hour” Thoughts”