Attack of the Clones and Star Trek: Nemesis

Here’s a question. Why aren’t Star Trek films an event the way summer and Christmas blockbusters are? Is it because they don’t get the coverage in the media–Premiere, Variety, Entertainment Weekly, and that ilk? Is it because a film about Jean-Luc Picard and his gang of goons is basically the same thing as the otherContinue reading “Attack of the Clones and Star Trek: Nemesis”

Ewoks! Exterminate!

Is it truly wrong to hate the Ewoks? Everyone knows the Ewoks. Those cute, cuddly, walking teddy bears that populated the last half of Return of the Jedi. In a series of films about the fate of the universe and the titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil, the Ewoks seemed curiously out-of-place.Continue reading “Ewoks! Exterminate!”