On an Upcoming John Lennon Biopic

A friend of mine, Michael Schuster, pointed me to this, the trailer for Nowhere Boy, an upcoming biopic about the teenage years of John Lennon: Aaron Johnson, whom I’ve never heard of, plays the young Lennon, and Thomas Sangster plays Paul McCartney. While Sangster doesn’t look especially much like McCartney, Johnson, particularly when he putsContinue reading “On an Upcoming John Lennon Biopic”

On the View at Thursday

Hello? Hello? Is this mic still on? However did it get to be Thursday? :tired: Oh, that‘s right. It’s called “work.” Since I really don’t have anything profound to say at the moment, I would point out that a survey of Doctor Who fans acclaimed “The Caves of Androzani” as the best story of allContinue reading “On the View at Thursday”

On The Rutles: Rock Band

I have The Rutles on. And as I’m listening to “Joe Public” — the Rutles’ riff on “Tomorrow Never Knows” from Archaeology — I had a lunatic brainwave. There should be Rutles downloadable content for Beatles Rock Band. Hell, people have tried passing off “Cheese & Onions” as a genuine John Lennon song. And GeorgeContinue reading “On The Rutles: Rock Band”

On the I Ching and “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”

Two months ago, give or take, I was talking with a friend of mine about George Harrison. Specifically, I was sharing an interesting story about the composition of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps,” his song from The Beatles’ “White Album” on which Eric Clapton guested as lead guitarist. While I can’t recall the exact wordsContinue reading “On the I Ching and “While My Guitar Gently Weeps””

The long-awaited digital remasters of the Beatles’ albums has finally been scheduled. September 9, 2009. The same day, by the way, that The Beatles: Rock Band comes out. The albums — Please Please Me to Let It Be and the two Past Masters compilations — will be packaged together as a 14 disc compilation. InContinue reading