Watchmen, Rebirth, and the DC Universe

When I saw the first trailers for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, my reaction was, basically, “That looks as much like a sequel to Watchmen as it does a sequel to Man of Steel.” To be clear, by Watchmen, I’m referring to Zack Snyder’s 2009 movie based on Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ 1986Continue reading “Watchmen, Rebirth, and the DC Universe”

On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe

Two weeks ago, I ruminated on DC Comics’ Flashpoint event and what it might mean for Batman comics. Well, earlier this week, DC Comics announced what’s coming down the road — the DC Universe as we know it will change radically in September. Comics fandom has been beside itself since Tuesday trying to figure outContinue reading “On Flashpoint and the New DC Universe”

On Batman and Flashpoint Theories

This afternoon, at the office, I read some comic books. I’d gotten behind on my Batman reading, and I read last week’s Batman Inc. #6 and this week’s Batman: Gates of Gotham #1 (which need to be read in that order — there’s an element in the first that is picked up in the second).Continue reading “On Batman and Flashpoint Theories”