If you want to be a hoopy frood today, know where you towel is. Yes, it’s Towel Day, a day chosen by Douglas Adams’ fans to celebrate the life and worlds of the man. A few years ago at work, I had to put together the annual calendar we produce for retailers. My instructions wereContinue reading “On Towel Day”
Tag Archives: H2G2
On Revisiting the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy
Yesterday a package arrived in the mail. It was a book, Douglas Adams’s Starship Titanic by Terry Jones. Hardcover with dust jacket. A first printing, it looks new, even though it was published nearly fifteen years ago. And with that book I am ready. This year — this month, actually — I intend to rereadContinue reading “On Revisiting the Hitchhiker’s Trilogy”
On New Hitchhiker’s
Eoin Colfer, author of Artemis Fowl, will be writing a new novel in Douglas Adams’ Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series. I don’t know what to say. I mean, yes, I’ll be curious. But at the same time, I just don’t know. I mean, I really don’t know. Colfer himself says: My first reaction wasContinue reading “On New Hitchhiker’s”
On Hitchhiker's
I went to see Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy tonight. I liked it. I liked it a lot. I thought it was fun, if not always funny. Okay, some of the great scenes from the book are missing. No Arthur convincing the foreman to lie down in the mud and take his place while heContinue reading “On Hitchhiker's”
More on H2G2
Yesterday I cited an early review of this week’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Today FilmThreat has a feature on the marketing of Hitchhiker’s. Two quotes stand out, both near the end: Between the unfunny posters, unfunny trailers and unfunny website Disney isn’t doing a very good job of marketing this as a movie. TheContinue reading “More on H2G2”
On H2G2
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy opens on Friday. In the store we’re planning a group trip to see it. Then, on an e-mail list, I received a link to this review. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy movie is bad. Really bad. You just won’t believe how vastly, staggeringly, jaw-droppingly bad it is. I mean,Continue reading “On H2G2”