On Planning for Tuesday’s Election

Tuesday’s Election Day. Thank goodness. I feel a bit like Abigael Evans; I, too, am ready for “Bronco Bamma” and Mitt Romney to go away. I did not early vote. The early voting locations and times weren’t convenient to me. I’ll vote after work on Tuesday. The subway train will get back at 7 o’clock,Continue reading “On Planning for Tuesday’s Election”

On Mitt Romney’s Very Bad Fundraiser

Yesterday, a video leaked of Mitt Romney at a swank fundraiser. In Part 1 of the video, Romney displays contempt for the lower half of the electorate. In the second part, Romney dismisses the very idea of peace in Middle-East. Some reactions to the first video. Michael Tomasky: Mitt Tells Voters in Video to DropContinue reading “On Mitt Romney’s Very Bad Fundraiser”

On the Enablement of Mitt Romney’s Mendacity

There’s a reason the Richmond Times-Dispatch is referred to lovingly as the “Times-Disgrace.” And it’s on full display here. As reported by Think Progress, after parroting Romney’s talking points on welfare, the Times-Disgrace is cited in Romney’s latest ad on welfare, only now the Times-Disgrace doesn’t stand behind their earlier parroting of Romney’s talking pointsContinue reading “On the Enablement of Mitt Romney’s Mendacity”

On the Danger of the Romney/Ryan Ticket

A few weeks ago, I floated a crazy idea — Mitt Romney should pick Ken Cuccinelli, Virginia’s Attorney General, for his running mate. Basically, I saw Cuccinelli as a pick to placate the Republican base, giving Romney to freedom to tack to center in the general election. And I saw a Romney/Cuccinelli pick as aContinue reading “On the Danger of the Romney/Ryan Ticket”

On Ken Cuccinelli, Vice Presidential Candidate

Mitt Romney is closing in on choosing his running mate for November. Last week, coinciding with the pummeling he took in the nedia over some disclosures about his tenure at Bain Capital, the suggestion of Condi Rice was floated.  Rumors this week are swirling around Rob Portman and Tim Pawlenty.  And, of course, Virginia governorContinue reading “On Ken Cuccinelli, Vice Presidential Candidate”

On the PPACA Primal Scream

Last week, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, upheld the Constitutionality of the PPACA, commonly referred to as “Obamacare.” Surprisingly, Chief Justice John Roberts was the deciding vote in the decision. More surprisingly, he initially voted against upholding the PPACA and changed his vote. Unsurprisingly, the Republicans, who had been so bothered under theContinue reading “On the PPACA Primal Scream”

On Talking Politics on Facebook

This is going to be a disjointed post, because it comes from something I wrote on Facebook. And obviously I don’t want it to fall down the memory hole that is Facebook. 🙂 First, some background. I linked to this — Steve Benen of MaddowBlog pointed to an appearance of Thomas Mann and Norman OrnsteinContinue reading “On Talking Politics on Facebook”

On Mitt Romney’s Inhumanity

After winning the Florida Primary, Mitt Romney wanted America to know — he’s “not concerned about the very poor.” Erick Erickson, the CNN pundit and proprietor of Red State wrote that Romney’s line “played straight into the liberal caricature that Republicans don’t have hearts.” That’s not how it is, though. It’s not that Republicans, especiallyContinue reading “On Mitt Romney’s Inhumanity”