While puttering about the ‘net today, I discovered a review of Star Trek: Constellations. No real surprise there — they’ve been showing up on the ‘net for nearly a year now. But this one was different. This one was written in Chinese. 🙂 I don’t read Chinese. I can recognize it. That’s about it. Fortunately,Continue reading “On an Overseas Constellations Review”
Tag Archives: Review
On Hot Fuzz
Here’s the set-up. London supercop Nicholas Angel is sent to the country by the Metropolitian Police Department — he’s so good, he’s making the rest of the force look really bad. So, the man who keeps London safe now has to face the terrors of the quiet English village in the countryside where the crimesContinue reading “On Hot Fuzz”
On a Grand Designs Review
The UK website Sci-Fi Online reviewed the newest Star Trek: Corps of Engineers compilation Grand Designs, of which my own Ring Around the Sky is a part. From their review: It’s obvious from his detailed descriptions that Gibson gets a real kick out of technology as he indulges himself and the reader in descriptions ofContinue reading “On a Grand Designs Review”