A Modest Request: A Moratorium on Multi-Doctor Stories

Next week Titan Comics’ Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension comes to an end. The Lost Dimension is an eight chapter multi-Doctor story that features all thirteen Doctors (including John Hurt’s War Doctor), River Song, and the Doctor’s daughter Jenny in one epic storyline with the fate of the universe at stake. It is also Titan’sContinue reading “A Modest Request: A Moratorium on Multi-Doctor Stories”

Things I’ve Been Reading: “Terror of the Cabinet Noir”

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year Two #11-13 Titan Comics Written by Robbie Morrison Art by Mariano Laclaustra with Fer Centurion and Agus Calcagno This week, Titan Comics wrapped up a storyline in the twelfth Doctor comics, “Terror of the Cabinet Noir.” Paris, 1695. Cardinal Richelieu seems to be immortal, and there’s a darkness permeatingContinue reading “Things I’ve Been Reading: “Terror of the Cabinet Noir””

Link Round-Up: December 29

A couple of things that caught my attention today. Dear Steven Moffat: The Husbands of River Song – At work yesterday, a coworker asked me what I thought of the Doctor Who Christmas special. I found myself struggling for words. The ending worked for me, even though I recognized how emotionally manipulative it was. TheContinue reading “Link Round-Up: December 29”

Why the Doctor Looks Like Peter Capaldi

Two years ago, Steven Moffat cast Peter Capaldi as the twelfth Doctor. This wasn’t Capaldi’s first brush with the Whoniverse as an actor; he had previously played the Roman Caecilius in “The Fires of Pompeii” and British government functionary John Frobisher in Torchwood: Children of Earth. There was a reason, Moffat said, why the twelfthContinue reading “Why the Doctor Looks Like Peter Capaldi”

Thoughts on the Leaked Doctor Who Scripts

Yesterday, the first five scripts of the eighth season of Doctor Who leaked to the Internet. Despite the BBC’s pleas for fans not to share them, the scripts are out there, fans are sharing them, and fans are discussing them. People have asked me if I’ve found them. I didn’t find them myself, but IContinue reading “Thoughts on the Leaked Doctor Who Scripts”