On Garrison Keillor and Impeachment

Garrison Keillor, host of public radio’s A Prarie Home Companion, has an editorial at Salon.com weighing in on the case for impeaching President Bush: These are troubling times for all of us who love this country, as surely we all do, even the satirists. You may poke fun at your mother, but if she isContinue reading “On Garrison Keillor and Impeachment”

On the Road

It occurs to me that I’ve written nothing here about my recent vacation. Every summer I attend Shore Leave, a science-fiction convention held a little north of Baltimore, in Hunt Valley, Maryland. There’s a sort-of-matching winter convention, held in the same location, called Farpoint, and though I’ve attended Shore Leave regularly the last few yearsContinue reading “On the Road”

On Pluto's New Moons

Pluto, that distant planet at the edge of the solar system, so far that the Sun appears as little more than an ordinary star, has been revealed to have two new moons, in addition to the previously discovered Charon. [U]sing images from the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists from Johns Hopkins University, Southwest Research Institute andContinue reading “On Pluto's New Moons”

On Abducted by the Daleks

Abducted by the Daleks. I can’t believe I’m about to attempt a serious review of this. We’ll start with a summary. Spoilers ahead. On some deserted road in the middle of a forest four eastern European women are driving through the night, through a stretch of woods that one of the women claims is theContinue reading “On Abducted by the Daleks”

On the Hummer

Today’s Raleigh newspaper has an amusing article on a marketing problem–bands would rather starve than have their music used to sell a Hummer. Reasons are multiple. Bands don’t want their music associated with the Hummer’s military heritage. Bands don’t want their music associated with a vehicle that gets gallons to the mile. This amuses me.Continue reading “On the Hummer”

On a PlayStation 3 Delay

Sony’s new video game console, the PlayStation 3, may see its release in the United States delayed until early 2007, according to various reports. The eye-opening new data on the PlayStation 3 is that Sony will likely spend $900 per console in manufacturing costs. Consoles have historically been sold at a loss, with the theContinue reading “On a PlayStation 3 Delay”