Random Links: August 31

A couple of interesting links I’ve read the last two days. Bad Natitude? Some Montreal fans wish D.C. would leave their Expos alone – Tim Raines, the Montreal Expos Hall of Famer, was added to the Washington Nationals’ Ring of Honor Monday evening. Acknowledging the Nationals’ past as the Montreal Expos is controversial in theContinue reading “Random Links: August 31”

A Baseball Mystery Solved

Thanks to a podcast, I found the answer to a random question I had wondered about — what baseball league do the Lake Wobegon Whippets belong to? I didn’t know, and it occurred to me one day that the Lake Wobegon Whippets could — and perhaps should — play in the Green Grass League againstContinue reading “A Baseball Mystery Solved”

Coldplay: Kaleidoscope

I’m underwhelmed by Coldplay’s new Kaleidoscope EP. A companion, I suppose, to A Head Full of Dreams, Kaleidoscope comprises five songs that feel like odds and ends the band had around, rather than a proper album. The opening track, “All I Can Think About Is You,” is pretty good, though it seems to have beenContinue reading “Coldplay: Kaleidoscope”

A Distant Family Tragedy

People wrote differently a century ago than we do today. I do not mean the mechanics of writing, though yesterday’s manual typewriters and and fountain pens worked differently than today’s word processors and predictive text and text-to-speech. We write faster than our ancestors did because our technology has improved. What I mean is that theContinue reading “A Distant Family Tragedy”

Returning to a Cemetery

Thursday I got the Beetle back. It had been in the shop for a week and a half, after I had broken the key off in the ignition. It should not have taken that long, but the newly cut key Volkswagen sent wasn’t cut properly — keys for the Beetle are laser-etched, for security purposesContinue reading “Returning to a Cemetery”