On Work Stress

The difference two hours can make. Every Monday the managers in my district have a conference call with our supervisor. This Monday was no different. Two o’clock conference call. It was an upbeat call focusing on areas to develop over the next week and important new releases this week–Gran Turismo 4, Tekken 5, MVP BaseballContinue reading “On Work Stress”

On Running Out of Space

I thought it would never happen. Even Vizzini would say, “Inconceivable!” I ran out of space on the XBox hard drive today. For four years now I’ve told customers that they will never need to worry about saving their games–the XBox has an eight-gig hard drive and games save to it automatically, not to mentionContinue reading “On Running Out of Space”

On Bidding Farewell to Umarala

A few weeks ago at work I pre-ordered Champions: Return to Arms, the sequel to last year’s PlayStation 2 game Champions of Norrath. As a freebie I received a 2005 calendar, “Armed & Deadly: The Babes of Champions.” Twelve months of well-armed fantasy women–mainly elves, some humans. While they may be well-armed–double-headed axes, swords, staffs,Continue reading “On Bidding Farewell to Umarala”

Well, I'm back.

I finished Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, the XBox (and PS2, and Game Cube) role-playing game from EA, this evening. I’m depressed, and not because the game is over. I’m depressed, because the game didn’t redeem itself in the end. Role-playing games need a story. Role-playing games need characters. The Third Age hadContinue reading “Well, I'm back.”

A Thought for the Day

Gandalf’s judgment on Denethor as given in Lord of the Rings: The Third Age: Thus is the havoc when a steward breaks his solemn bond with his people. Gondor shunned counsel, chose to dominate its subjects. While its sons were sent to die in hopeless causes, alliances faltered. Hope withered. Armies were squandered, leaders lost.Continue reading “A Thought for the Day”

Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel

Another midnight opening. This time, for World of WarCraft. Unlike Halo 2, though, this isn’t a company-wide phenomenon. In fact, I know of no other stores in the chain doing a midnight opening. Like Halo 2 we had the product in stores, in the backroom, awaiting the street date. Pre-sells were solid, substantial, not HaloContinue reading “Same Bat-time, Same Bat-channel”