On Being an English Nerd

I saw this test on several friends’ webpages. Am I an English nerd, or what? 😉 True English Nerd You scored 91 erudition! Not only do you know your subjects from your objects and your definite from your indefinite articles, but you’ve got quite a handle on the literature and the history of the languageContinue reading “On Being an English Nerd”

On a Letter to Cthulhu

Earlier, I wrote a letter to Santa. Now, more holiday fun! Oh Great Cthulhu! I have been an extremely sedulous devotee this year. In January, I defiled the grave of that traitor, Lovecraft (90 points). In June, I wore an Elder Sign (-10 points). In September, I legally changed my name to Randolph Carter (-40Continue reading “On a Letter to Cthulhu”

More on Christmas Songs

As seen on several friends’ pages, most recently Todd‘s–Which Christmas song am I? You are ‘Jingle Bells’! Full of enthusiasm and good cheer, you are excited by the first appearances of Christmas decorations in shops and have been heard singing along to the piped music. Your attitude to Christmas is one of childlike delight –Continue reading “More on Christmas Songs”

On a Religion Quiz

Bill’s done it. Todd’s done it. Keith’s done it. Now I’m doing it, a quiz on religious beliefs floating around the ‘net. You fit in with:Atheism Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjectiveContinue reading “On a Religion Quiz”

More Political Typology

Shamelessly snurched from my friend Todd: You are a Social Liberal (76% permissive) and an… Economic Liberal (28% permissive) You are best described as a: Strong Democrat You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc: (99, -82) modscore: (17, 46) raw: (2143) Link: The Politics Test onContinue reading “More Political Typology”