On Commander Cody

Playing LEGO Star Wars the other day I had to complete a mission and hunt down General Grievous with Obi-Wan and his partner. A clone trooper, named Commander Cody. My friend Todd complained about the character for having a dorky name on his LiveJournal today. Sure, it’s a dorky name. Sure, it doesn’t sound likeContinue reading “On Commander Cody”

On More Books in the Mail

Two packages arrived in the mail yesterday. The first had Michael Moorcock’s Gloriana, a fantasy novel about Elizabeth I’s reign. I’d seen the book, recently issued in a new edition, in Barnes & Noble a time or three but hadn’t, for whatever reason, picked up a copy. So when the Science Fiction Book Club offeredContinue reading “On More Books in the Mail”

On Doctor Who and American television

Every day I read Atrios‘s webpage for a quick survey of political trends of the day. Just today, he posted about Doctor Who. From his comments on the new Christopher Eccleston series: But, the UK version of “family friendly” is certainly at odds with what would be acceptable for us. Take the new Who, forContinue reading “On Doctor Who and American television”