On the Doctor's Greatest Foes

There’s a rumor that in the upcoming season of Doctor Who there may be a story pitting the Doctor’s two greatest foes against one another–the Daleks and the Cybermen. Sure, it’s a fanwanky concept. That’s the appeal. So, if I were writing a Dalek vs. Cybermen story, this is what I’d do…. Set it duringContinue reading “On the Doctor's Greatest Foes”

On Political Euphoria

I'm going to take a moment here and talk politics. My blog, my call. 🙂 The last few weeks have been, well, euphoric for me. On one hand, the religious right and social conservatives are having a meltdown over the Harriet Miers nomination to the Supreme Court. On the other hand, Tom DeLay was indictedContinue reading “On Political Euphoria”

On the Hellboy Novel

I’m now about halfway through On Earth as It Is in Hell, Brian Hodge’s new novel based on Mike Mignola’s comic book character Hellboy, the World’s Greatest Paranormal Detective. No giant gorillas with huge freakin’ metal bolts sticking out of their necks. Dagnabbit! Despite that failing, however, it is a mildly diverting read. Seraphim attackContinue reading “On the Hellboy Novel”

On the Death of Smurfs

The UN agency UNICEF has made a public service commerical in which Smurf village is carpet-bombed. See for yourself. From the article: The short film pulls no punches. It opens with the Smurfs dancing, hand-in-hand, around a campfire and singing the Smurf song. Bluebirds flutter past and rabbits gambol around their familiar village of mushroom-Continue reading “On the Death of Smurfs”

On Chaos and Creation in the Backyard

About a month ago Sir Paul McCartney released his latest album, Chaos and Creation in the Backyard. I picked the album up that week, listened to it maybe twice, and then put it away and promptly forgot about it. Tonight, cleaning out the trunk I saw the CD lying there, and I decided to giveContinue reading “On Chaos and Creation in the Backyard”

On Doing a Tech Round-Up

Two things. Reader Kathryn Meadmore asked me to pass along the following information for UK-based Whovians: UKTV Gold are showing all 13 episodes from the new series of Dr Who in one week. It premiers on Sunday 23rd October at 7pm, and viewers can expect to see the first three parts back-to-back, followed by double-billsContinue reading “On Doing a Tech Round-Up”

On Snoopy and the Death Star Run

Prompted by my friend Todd‘s exhortation to download a Star Wars fan film, last night I downloaded “Beagle,” a two-minute long animated short following Snoopy and Woodstock in the Rebel attack on the original Death Star over Yavin IV. I’ve watched it five times now, and each time I’ve been disappointed. First, “Beagle” doesn’t recreateContinue reading “On Snoopy and the Death Star Run”