On Gran Turismo: HD

Here’s another reason to dislike Sony and their PlayStation 3 plans: Gran Turismo: HD will cost players an arm and a leg to play. The current rage in online gaming is microtransactions. Because consoles–like the Xbox, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3–have hard drives and online capabilities, users can purchase content for their games and downloadContinue reading “On Gran Turismo: HD”

On "Minds… Destroyed by Google"

Bruce Sterling had a new short story, “I Saw the Best Minds of My Generation Destroyed by Google,” published in the New Scientist recently. It’s an amusing little cautionary tale, told from the perspective of a teenager in a world twenty years hence where RFID chips, GPS positioning, and a rampant information culture have destroyedContinue reading “On "Minds… Destroyed by Google"”

On a Strange Dream

I haven’t been sleeping well of late. Actually, ever since the move I’ve simply not been able to sleep, at least not until the early hours of the morn. It’s also means that I’m either remembering my dreams or I’m hallucinating. I don’t normally remember my dreams, and yet I remember quite vividly part ofContinue reading “On a Strange Dream”

On a Place in the Universe

Nothing puts things into perspective like seeing an image of the Earth taken from deep space, with the planet just a disc of light. No borders, no cities, just light, such as in this recent image from the Cassini space probe in orbit of Saturn. The things we worry about every day, they seem soContinue reading “On a Place in the Universe”

On Political Positioning

Courtesy of Michael Evans, a political quiz! Third Way Liberal You scored 69% Personal Liberty and 36% Economic Liberty! A third way liberal believes in little to moderate government intervention on personal matters and moderate to high government intervention on economic matters. They tend to be opposed to war, police powers, victimless crimes, and whatContinue reading “On Political Positioning”

On Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day, a day in which scallywags are allowed to be silly and liberally sprinke their vocabulary with an “Aye, matey,” and “Arr, ye scurvy sea dog,” and “Avast and ahoy!” Perhaps, to a Pastafarian Talk Like a Pirate Day should be mark some sort of religious festival. OneContinue reading “On Talk Like a Pirate Day”

On an Interesting Job Listing

Friday, the agency called. They don’t need me to start in Fells Point today. Maybe tomorrow. Probably Wednesday. They said they would call. I’m waiting anxiously to hear. So, I’m doing what I usually do — go through the want ads and the online job listings. Going through yesterday’s want ads from the Baltimore SunContinue reading “On an Interesting Job Listing”