On the Latest Credit

Received today at work — Star Trek Magazine, issue #8. Behind a stunning cover of Riker, Data, and a sparkler, there is a four-page article entitled “Mind Children.” Author? Moi. 🙂 What will readers find in “Mind Children”? Why is Data different than other artificial intelligences, not only in the Star Trek universe, but withinContinue reading “On the Latest Credit”

On a Sad Discovery

I made a shocking discovery yesterday — Constellations has been remaindered. Imagine Anakin Skywalker as he’s awoken, encased in Darth Vader’s environment suit. Imagine his scream of “Nooooooooo!” Yeah. I can’t complain, really. I’ve signed a lot of copies. The book’s gone through four printings at least. That Constellations would turn up remaindered somewhere wasContinue reading “On a Sad Discovery”

On an Overseas Constellations Review

While puttering about the ‘net today, I discovered a review of Star Trek: Constellations. No real surprise there — they’ve been showing up on the ‘net for nearly a year now. But this one was different. This one was written in Chinese. 🙂 I don’t read Chinese. I can recognize it. That’s about it. Fortunately,Continue reading “On an Overseas Constellations Review”

On a Declaration of War

My fellow writers, Times New Roman offends me. Its crimes against reason and common sense are legion. Times New Roman is common. Times New Roman is plebian. Times New Roman lacks style and panache. Times New Roman is blase. Times New Roman lacks art. Times New Roman has cast a spell upon the world. ItContinue reading “On a Declaration of War”

On a Grand Designs Review

The UK website Sci-Fi Online reviewed the newest Star Trek: Corps of Engineers compilation Grand Designs, of which my own Ring Around the Sky is a part. From their review: It’s obvious from his detailed descriptions that Gibson gets a real kick out of technology as he indulges himself and the reader in descriptions ofContinue reading “On a Grand Designs Review”